Internship Programs for science/engineering areas (http://???)

This internship-program provides undergraduate science students an intensive, hands-on introduction to some of the most important analytical instruments found in industry, government and academic laboratories worldwide. The course will help prepare students for careers in chemical, biomedical, environmental science, materials science, and related scientific fields.  Students will learn how to operate modern instrumentation, interpret data, and understand the theory behind each technique as well as its strengths and limitations. The instructors include experts from several different fields, bringing a uniquely broad perspective to the class. Students will have an immersive experience learning theory, practice, and safety principles, including spending dozens of hours in the laboratory learning to operate equipment themselves as well as how to analyze and interpret data.

This intensive 5 week program meets 5 days a week, with 2 hours per day of lecture and 3 hours per day of lab. Prerequisites of this program are as follows; Minimum one year of general chemistry including laboratory, one year of university-level math, plus an additional year of laboratory-based science classes such as biology, geology, chemistry, pharmacy, or physics. Junior or Senior level standing in a science major. Functional English language skills.

[ Learning Objectives ]

  1. Understand and be able to apply the theory and operational principles of modern analytical instrumentation.
  2. Gain extensive hands-on experience in the use of modern analytical instrumentation.
  3. Understand how to select the most appropriate method for a given analysis.

[ Specific instruments that students will learn about include ]

  1. Liquid chromatography (LC) for the analysis of small molecules and drugs
  2. Size-exclusion chromatography for the analysis of particles and polymers
  3. Ion chromatography (IC) for the analysis of ionic species
  4. Gas chromatography (GC) for the analysis of volatile compounds
  5. Electron microscopy (EMS) for high resolution imaging
  6. Energy-dispersive X-ray spectroscopy (XRD) for elemental analysis
  7. Differential scanning calorimetry and thermal gravimetric analysis for the analysis of pharmaceuticals and polymers
  8. Inductively-coupled plasma mass spectrometry (ICPMS) for the analysis of trace elements and isotopes